Monday, November 23, 2015

Grateful, Thankful, Blessed

It's been too long since I wrote a blog post. Period.  It's been too long since I wrote a blog post about intentionally using positive thinking to change my view of things in my life.  I have grown and changed and learned so much since I started this blog.  When I began, the Power of Positive Thinking was the tool; almost the only tool, I had at my disposal.  It opened a door, which led me on a journey of awakening.  Since that time when I first realized that rather than waiting for things in my life to get better, I could have a better life by looking at the things in my life differently, I barely recognize my life.

I was stressed OUT!  I was striving.  Competing.  Trying.  Achieving.  Proving.  Earning.  Winning.  Succeeding.  I was all Ego.  Nothing was ever enough.  The drive was about whatever comes next, the bigger, better, stronger, smarter, more successful next best thing.  I couldn't be happy because I believed I still had more to do/to do more.

Fortunately, I heard two special people speak about moving away from Fear and towards Love.  I could recognize that all my stress was about fear, and that the thoughts that were stressing me out the most, were of my own creation.  Kara and Jen became my friends, my business partners, my pit crew and my guides.  It was from them that I first heard of Dr. Wayne Dyer, and his message - "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."  Profound truth.

I know that Jen and Kara are divine gifts.  Together we are so much more than the sum of our parts.  I am so, so grateful that we found each other.  We have been the magnet pull on each others' souls - each exerting different force and and influence at different times.  I learned along the way that there was nothing I needed to do to be enough.  I learned that I have all that I need to do anything - I have love in my heart.  I know that Love is All - the Beginning, the End, the Truth and the Way.  I am so thankful for the Peace I have in my life.  I am so blessed to have found these companions on the journey.  Together we Shine our Light!

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